Thursday, April 3, 2008

Horton Hears an AWESOME

I’m trying to think of ways to be snarky about this movie, but I really can’t. It’s just so, so good. And gorgeous to look at. There are scenes in the movie that made me want to ask the projectionist to pause so I could just sit and stare at the screen for a few minutes.

The basic story, for those of you who skipped 2nd grade, is that Horton the elephant, voiced by Jim Carrey, hears a sound come from a spec floating through his idyllic jungle home. Horton discovers that the spec is actually home to tiny Whoville. Horton makes friends with the Mayor of Whoville (Steve Carrell) and, being the lovely creature that he is, decides to take the spec, now resting on a flower, somewhere safe.

This is threatening apparently to a purple kangaroo that lives in the jungle. Kangaroo (Carol Burnett) tells Horton to get rid of the spec and when he won’t, all sorts of awful things happen. Like Kangaroo hiring a vulture named Vlad to go after Horton and destroy the spec. Vlad is voiced by Will Arnett and I don’t think I need to tell you how awesome that is. I do need to warn you though, that the parts where the spec is in jeopardy are really scary. Like this movie is so lovely, I could not handle the intense scenes where parts of this wonderful world were in danger. So clearly, I'm a wimp

But, anyway, Will Arnett is not the lone awesome background character: Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill and Amy Poehler also have supporting roles and the whole movie is narrated by Charles Osgood. It all adds up to greatness. And if you don’t believe me, watch this clip. Then go watch Horton Hears a Who. It will wash your brain out after you make the mistake of seeing 27 Dresses.

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