Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mad Bad Sad Lad Had Cad Money

Where to start? Where to start? Eek. Let's begin with the movie was all kinds of terrible. Even the ladies in it don't want to talk about it.

PREMISE: An upper middle-class Diane Keaton discovers (much to her shock and sadness) that she and her husband who drive luxury cars live in a really large house and have the judgey type of neighbor unique to the people who have that kind of money, really don't have that kind of money anymore. He's been out of work for over a year and they have amassed massive debt, which he attributes to eating. EATING! She gets a job as a janitor for the federal reserve, because in this economy and with her stripey grey hair thats the only job a college educated old lady can get. See Picture to reference the stripeyness. Home Depot inspires her to conspire with two other employees, later three, to steal money that would really just be destroyed anyway. The plot had holes big enough to drive a Range Rover through. (A big black one. Diane Keaton's)

DIRECTING: Showing the end of the movie first and then showing the rest of the movie catching up to the point where you started only works in movies where getting from point A to point B is actually interesting and not a straight line. see: Memento, Usual Suspects etc. You mean that stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from a bank and getting caught isn't predictable...? The only thing that kept me still sitting through the movie (and I watched ALL of Good Luck Chuck!) was knowing that if I didn't finish watching this stupid movie, writing a review would be lying.

MRS. TOM CRUISE: Her hair was terrible. She "pretended" to be an idiot playing this role and I am not sure if what was the combination of a stupid person pretending to be a stupid person or just her deplorable acting but it was painful to watch. (see picture: while it is not the best example of bad hair, it's an excellent example of stupid face)

Not to mention oh she isn't really a drug addict, she is diabetic. Haha?

QUEEN LATIFAH: Of all the characters I hated her the least. She was all like I am committing a federal crime to help my children. You know what would help them more? Not going to federal "pound me in the ass" prison. (Oh Office Space, why couldn't they embezzle like you embezzle) Oh and sorry honey but welcome to the club. You have a giant face.

BOYS: The men in this movie were pretty useless. Ted Danson caused the money grubbing wanting in the first place and Mrs. Tom Cruise's movie husband was probably the reason they all ended up getting arrested and the ladies' giant faced boss, who was Milton in Office Space oh how the mighty have fallen, just wanted to pretend people couldn't steal from him.

I don't want to be down on women making film, but these particular women, the writer and the director were pretty incompetent and sort of man hating.

CONCLUSION: Definitely would not pay 50 cents again to see this movie, though one day after I have millions of dollars and lose it all because of food, I might resort to watching it for free because unlike the stupid people in this movie I won't try to live far beyond my means.

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